Title: Popular Group Super Junior reaches Singapore – Showing off their fun side at Press Conference Korean popular group Super Junior reaches Singapore today (060610), in preparation to promote the world’s exclusive release of the phone. As an invitation by Singtel and Samung, Super Junior will hold a closed-showcase at night, in order to reward/pay back to those who bought the latest Samsung Galaxy S, and sign on to Singtel’s plan. In addition, Super Junior met up with the media during the Press Conference. Although this turn, only 9 members came (Kyuhyun couldn’t come because of his ear operation), they still
attracted many fans who queued up at the venue early in the morning, and this first and only Press Conference here in Singapore, the media who attended almost cramped up the whole venue. Despite being the top boyband in Korea, Super Junior displayed their friendliness and closeness during the Press Conference. No matter what questions were asked to them, they are able to bring up/mentioned about the Phone that they endorse. They are truly the most dedicated artists the media has ever seen! When asked about the charm in their new album, Super Junior even showed the dance of Bonamana live! Source: OMY.SG Translated by: minoko2440 @ sapphirepearls.com Take out with full credits and do not add your own itle: Popular Group Super Junior reaches Singapore – Showing off their fun side at Press Conference Korean popular group Super Junior reaches Singapore today (060610), in preparation to promote the world’s exclusive release of the phone. As an invitation by Singtel and Samung, Super Junior will hold a closed-showcase at night, in order to reward/pay back to those who bought the latest Samsung Galaxy S, and sign on to Singtel’s plan. In addition, Super Junior met up with the media during the Press Conference. Although this turn, only 9 members came (Kyuhyun couldn’t come because of his ear operation), they still attracted many fans who queued up at the venue early in the morning, and this first and only Press Conference here in Singapore, the media who attended almost cramped up the whole venue. Despite being the top boyband in Korea, Super Junior displayed their friendliness and closeness during the Press Conference. No matter what questions were asked to them, they are able to bring up/mentioned about the Phone that they endorse. They are truly the most dedicated artists the media has ever seen! When asked about the charm in their new album, Super Junior even showed the dance of Bonamana live!
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